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Darkroom tuitioN

Black and white darkroom tuition, located in Ballina, Bundjalung Country, NSW. 


To book or for more information 


Operating hours: 

Saturday to Tuesday by appointment only.


Private tuition is available at $90 full / $80 concession per hour, all materials included. Bookings are a minimum of 2 hours .


Be guided through the process of developing black and white film, and printing photos in the black and white  darkroom.  35mm and medium formats available. 


Black and White Darkroom  includes:

Chemistry: all standard film and paper developing chemistry (Developer, Stop Bath, Fix, Washaid). We use Kodak D-76 film developer and Ilford Multigrade paper developer.  Paper is Ilford Multigrade RC. 


Enlargers: 35mm to 120mm (6x6, 6x45, 6x7 inch film formats). Black and white printing is wet-tray and caters for prints up to 20” x 24” in size. There is an oversize surcharge for mural printing due to the large amounts of chemistry and water consumed.


Equipment, chemistry and film sleeves provided. Gloves, paper towels, and various other standard consumables are provided. 


Terms and conditions:

*Prices above include GST. Bookings are essential. Cancellation requires 48 hours notice.  

* There is a surcharge on making prints of 11 x 14inches and bigger for extra paper, chemical and water usage. For prints exceeding 8 x 10 inches the price is POA.

* Fibre based silver gelatin paper available, price is POA.

* Concessions rates are available to people holding healthcare, pensioner or full time student cards.



I live and work upon the stolen lands of the Bundjalung Nation. I pay my respects to Elders past, present and future. I am an uninvited guest and settler on this land, in recognition of this, and in solidarity with First Nation Australians, I pay the rent and invite you to do the same. 

Offerings on this website are of an artistic nature, advice is in a creative capacity only.  

Except where stated all images and text on this website are copyrighted, Linsey Gosper ©2024

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